Mission & Vision

Igniting Nations & Generations for an End-time Revival


Ark of God Canada (AOGC) is a non-denominational, non-profit Christian organization formed according to the divine orchestration of God to follow and accomplish the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a revival movement in and beyond church walls and religion. Ark is inspired from Noah's Ark in the Bible. Jesus Christ is the Ark in the New testament for the salvation of entire humanity, irrespective of race, color, ethnicity. All are welcome to the Ark.

AOGC, based out of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, travels across Canada and to other nations. Our heart is to help restore and unify the global body of Christ, the church, under the leadership of Jesus Christ and the anointing of Holy Spirit.

Our Mission

Ark of God Canada's mission theme is: "Igniting nations and generations for an end time revival". AOGC's mission is to ignite spiritual awakening and transformation in individuals, churches, communities and nations through preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ (GoodNews) and manifesting the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our Vision

Ark of God Canada's vision through the power of the Holy Spirit is to heal, deliver and restore souls, and to connect each person into a living and personal relationship with God. Through discipleship and teaching of the Kingdom of God principles, individuals, families, communities and nations will be transformed under the lordship of Jesus Christ. All will come into health and wholeness spiritually, mentally, physically and economically.

Ark of God Canada's vision is to:
1)  Conduct evangelistic revival meetings, GoodNews Festivals, in Canada and in the nations proclaiming the good news and love of Jesus Christ. The content and the guidance of these meetings will be solemnly founded on the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
2)  Seek the salvation of souls and the return of His lost sheep back to the Father’s house. 
3)  Provide a spark that ignites, unifies and brings hope to individuals, churches, and communities.
4)  Foster a spiritual awakening in the heart of the community, which initiates cultural and economical transformation. 
5)  Create economic develop projects and educational programs to strengthen the community and our youth. 
6)  Establish ministerial centres to train individuals in the ways of God and to encourage community building projects and engagement. 
7)  Provide charitable help to individuals and families who are less fortunate (single parents, orphans, destitute folks, seniors). This may include occasional/seasonal baskets filled with necessities, paying into a college education, rent and food.
8)  Conduct career seminars and establish vocational skills training to educate individuals toward a self-sustaining lifestyle. 
9)  Engage industries to address the unemployment crisis.
10)  Establish rehabilitation centers and shelters for individuals coming out of addictions. 
11)  Initiate and promote affordable housing projects for single parents and low income families.