
Pastors & Leaders

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. 

        Acts 1 : 8

Rev. Stanly Thankachan  &  Rev. Pheba Ninan

Senior Pastors

Stanly and his wife, Pheba, co-labour together in ministry.  Stanly is trained and worked several years in the field of Aeronautical Engineering with various airlines and aviation companies along with ministry and presently works in full-time ministry, since 2019 .Being called from India to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in Canada and other nations. Stanly's mandate in ministry is a revival by connecting people with God. He has a strong vision for revival, societal transformation, kingdom business, and relief from systemic poverty in our region, across the nation of Canada, and beyond.  Stanly and his team take the gospel on the road during the summer with crusades known as Good News Festivals.  In each meeting there are demonstrations of salvations, baptisms, re-dedications and healings with signs, wonders and miracles.  God is networking Stanly with key people, both nationally and globally.  He draws believers together in various places where they share their vision and walk together to accomplish God's mission for their communities.  At the heart of Stanly’s success lies a dedication to wait on the Lord's direction. Perhaps this would explain why Stanly is often recommended to others with, "You need to connect with Stanly, he is a remarkable person".

Rev. Glenda Bromell


After a 26 year career in public service, Glenda transitioned to serving the Lord full time as teacher, group facilitator, and currently as pastor and counsellor. Her heart is for healing and the transformation of God’s people into mighty warriors for the Lord. Having recently retired from running her own business, more time is available to serve the Lord through Ark of God Canada. On the AOGC board since 2019, Glenda is willing to serve in whatever capacity the Lord’s people require, and honoured to do it through such a powerful mission-oriented ministry.

Susan Jackson


Susan is a graduate of the University of Manitoba in Dietetics and obtained her Practical Nursing degree in later life.  She was brought up in a cult ( Christian Science).  However, at the age of 29, she came to know Jesus as her personal Lord and Saviour leading to an ongoing delight in studying the scriptures and praying.  She has an insatiable love for Israel, having visited the land five times and supporting the International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem Canadian branch as a board member. She has two daughters and has been blessed with 7 wonderful grandchildren.  

Harry Peeters

Director- Volunteering &  set up

Harry was raised on a dairy farm in Omemee. Eventually, he purchased the family farm from his parents.  It is here that Harry raised his family. In 1995 his son was gravely ill after heart transplant surgery.  Harry witnessed the miracle of his son being saved, which resulted in his salvation. For the past 14 years, Harry has been hosting an outreach in his hometown of Omemee. 12 years ago, he retired from farming, and is presently enjoying the peacefulness of living in the woods near Apsley, ON.

Sharon Wideen

Director and Prayer Coordinator

The Lord stirred Sharon’s heart to partner with ‘Ark of God Canada' as she experienced revelatory biblical teaching, strong commitment for prayer and a powerful presence of the Lord during their morning prayer. Her desire is to pray the heart of the Father over lost and injured souls that they may experience the freedom, peace and Holy Spirit guidance that comes through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Sharon is retired, loves the outdoors and has three wonderful men in her life, her two sons and grandson.

Cheryl Dunn

Director and Worship Leader

Cheryl Dunn is an Country/Gospel award winning artist that has always felt her calling to sing. Cheryl has traveled extensively sharing her Ministry's journey of faith and music throughout Canada, the United States and abroad. Cheryl has released 4 albums and won a number of music awards. She has a vibrant sound complimented by a bright and compassionate personality. The Lord called her off the road in 2008 to lead worship at many churches and events. Worshipping Jesus Christ is now her life’s passion.